Water in the Hole!

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

It rained last night in Central Pennsylvania. A good hard rain that lasted most of the night.

It's been a very dry Summer so far - so - the rain was a welcome guest (and it sounds really nice to fall asleep listening to the rain outside).

As much as I was enjoying it, rain isn't always welcome on a jobsite. In fact, rain often hinders the homebuilding process until the house is "under roof" and dried in.

One of the biggest pains of building a home is when you dig the foundation right before a heavy rain. If you get a large enough rain, you end up with a shallow swimming pool - as the rain collects and just sits there.....mocking you.

So - you might be wondering just what a Home Builder does in this situation. Fear not, I have a few options (and I'm willing to bet you might have a few of your own):

  1. You can just wait for the water to subside, evaporate and/or dry up. That's fine - but - it's going to potentially cost you several days in your build time. And time really is money.
  2. You can pump it out. This is what I believe most Home Builders do. They rent a gas-powered pump (since electric is rarely available early in a build) and throw an intake hose into the water. The pump pulls the water in and sends it out another hose (usually to a street drain or other drainage area). There is still a bit of time needed to let the wet ground dry up - but - it's nowhere near the time of just waiting for the water to go.
  3. You can do a dance to the Sun gods and hope for the best. But, I've found this doesn't really work (but it sure is fun anyway).

The bottom line is that rain WILL happen - and not always when you want it to. It's really a simple solution. I wanted to share it, because - if you're new to the industry - you may not have thought about this yet.

Of course, water might get into a foundation hole/basement when there is NO rain. That might be because there's a high water table that rises and falls. That's the topic of a completely different explanation - but - know that a high water table could bring water that also needs to be pumped out.

If you've seen water in a hole or foundation, have you tried anything different that was successful in clearing it out? If so, let me know by replying to this email.

An Interesting Read

Interested in Marketing New Homes?

This article, written by Melissa Galland of Do & Be Agency, explains some things she's learned over the years. It's worth a look!

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