There's No Medal For Doing Things The Hard Way!

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

Here's to hoping you are doing amazing things in the homebuilding industry today (and every day)!

I've been thinking a lot about how bull-headed many are in this industry. Folks know how to do something a certain way and don't see a need to change.

And I'm not casting stones at others. My family was no different when we were running our own homebuilding business.

We did things the "hard way." It was a very manually-run business: Excel spreadsheets, scheduling on a printed out chart (taped to a board - until I started putting the schedules into Microsoft Project), receiving and entering invoices one-by-one, and A LOT of copying of plans (and sending via snail mail to Trades).

The problem is that we were so engrossed in what had to get done, we never had the chance to realize that there are ways to do things easier (and better). It's just how we knew to do the job.

Ten years later - when I can look back at those times with the knowledge I have now of what an integrated system can do - and I just shake my head at my former self. The hours and dollars wasted are too mind-boggling to think of.

But it's not too late for you and your organization!

If you're overwhelmed with manual processes and just know there's a "better way," push for finding a solution! The sooner, the better.

And - if you're in a position where you're NOT in leadership - don't let that stop you from voicing what you see. Often, you are able to see things that ownership can't (or doesn't want to freely admit).

It doesn't need to be an "all or nothing" solution. Take one step. Make one change. Try one thing out. Any step is better than none.

If your company is still handling scheduling on a printed sheet (or in your Superintendent's head), consider putting a schedule together in some type of managed tool.

And if you need help getting started with that, you can use the exact template I used for Microsoft Project when I started doing just that thing in our business.

The link to get it is below. And if you need it in a different format, just reply back and tell me.

A Free Tool For You To Use!

My Microsoft Project Scheduling Template

Need a first step in getting your homebuilding schedules organized? This is the actual scheduling template I used to build hundreds of homes in Central Pennsylvania.

Someone Else Worth Checking Out!

Every so often, I like to let you know of another content creator who is worth checking out. And these are folks that are also in my inbox.

Debbie Talianko is one of those folks who puts out awesome content - and - helpful tips for design.

I've been able to build over 1,000 new homes in my career - but - it was best that I was left out of choosing colors and selections to make a house beautiful.

The information Debbie shares certainly would have helped me (and my homeowners) had I known about her at that time.

Anyway - you can click below if you want to see for yourself!

Image for My Pocket Designer

My Pocket Designer

Debbie L Talianko, ASID, Certified Interior Designer #6393, Member NKBA

Hi, I’m Debbie Talianko, a professional interior designer in southern California. I teach homeowners to design and decorate for themselves.

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