The Trades Are Out There. Can You Find Them?

Welcome to Home Building!

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

Hope this email is finding you well and you're staying busy! If your Company is like a lot of Home Builders I work with all across North America, chances are that you are - in fact - staying busy.

Higher interest rates and variable pricing of materials and goods have, weirdly, not affected homebuilding numbers in many locations (OK....there are a few areas that are excluded from this).

If you are busy, chances are that you are also still looking for Trade Partners to do your work. If you're struggling with the way to do this, hold on to your hats! I have a SUPER TOP SECRET, jaw-dropping way to find them. You can see the link below to that article.

And don't forget to HIT THAT REPLY button and let me know what's on your mind and what you were hoping to get from a weekly email from me. I promise I'll read every reply that comes in (and do my best to reply back to you, too).

Have a great week!


In This Issue

I get it. You have a lot of email, and you don't always have time to read them. So, here's a quick run down of what's in this Newsletter:

  • Terminology Tuesday: STORMWATER REGULATIONS
  • I tell you how you can find Trades to work for you!


Water caused by rain and storms needs to be controlled, and governing bodies pass regulations on how this needs to be done.

Developers and Home Builders are required to plan the appropriate flow of this water – ensuring it does not dump onto a neighbor’s property and/or effectively is managed either ON the lot or in planned stormwater drains of the Development.

The Trades ARE Out There!

Don't Look So Glum!

You can spend your time looking forlorn out your window for Trades to come knocking on your door. That's your choice.

OR - you could do this 👇👇

Know a friend or colleague who might get some benefit out of this Newsletter? Hit that FORWARD button in your email program and share the knowledge!

If you happened to have received this Newsletter from your friend (because of the paragraph above) - send your friend a gift card for a free coffee (or coffee-inspired drink), then click on the button below.

1541 Inverness Drive, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17050
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