Mass Produced and Affordable Homes - Designed in the 1920's

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

Do you think that affordable housing and offsite construction is just a topic of today?

Think again! I recently heard about the Dymaxion House that was designed in the late 1920's to solve the affordable housing problem of the time (um, maybe something to do with the Great Depression???).

Anyway, I thought you might find this information interesting - as it's a part of housing's past (though it very much looked like the future). The Dymaxion House got it's name from inventor Buckminster Fuller - who combined three of his favorite words (why they were his favorite - the world may never know):

  • DY-namic
  • MAX-imum
  • tens-ION

And the house was very much like a big umbrella - with a big central mast that could ship folded up (think a closed umbrella) in a big metal tube just about anywhere.

Though designed in the 1920's, nothing was ever built until after World War II (in 1945) when Mr. Fuller thought the time was right for the innovative housing.

Could something like this spaceship-looking house actually work in today's world? I mean.....just look at the Tesla Truck.....

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Just hit REPLY and let me know!

The Only Dymaxion House in Existence

This is on display at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, Michigan.

An Interesting Read

If You Don't Set Your Option Prices...You Could Be In Trouble!

If you don't have set price lists for Options (or - worse yet - make them up as you go), you might be setting yourself (and your Company) up for a lawsuit. Read why!

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