It's What You Don't See That Sometimes Matter

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

Last week, I let you know a little bit about water in basements and how you might handle it.

I thought I'd continue with some other things that Home Builders happen to find when they start to dig a foundation - things that can add (sometimes significant) costs to a new build.

Here are a few things:

  1. WATER - Water is one of those things that can be found, and it's rarely welcome. You start to dig and the hole fills up with water. This could be from an underground spring or even if you hit a water supply line that no one knew was there (maybe in an infill lot).
  2. ROCK - The excavator starts to dig and hits solid rock. If you're lucky, it's the size of a small boulder that just needs a little extra time to pull out (and, maybe, use as a landscaping element). However, if you hit significant rock, you might need to actually use small, controlled explosives to break it up.
  3. RELICS - I've seen times when a dig has revealed something of historical note. Maybe they are Native American beads or arrowheads. I've read of finding bones (old and forgotten gravesites). Find these and local Historical Commissions may put a halt to your build.
  4. ENDANGERED ANIMAL SPECIES - Still one more thing that can be found is a sign of an endangered animal species trying to survive. You guessed it. Construction can stop if this is the case - as you don't want to be responsible for wiping a living thing off the face of the earth.

All of these things can significantly impact the building schedule - as they take time to deal with.

They also can seriously affect costs that neither you nor your Home Buyer expected. Even though you may have a Rock Clause (hmmmm....note to self - add "Rock Clause" to my Incredible Growing Home Building Glossary) in your Agreement of Sale (that allows you to pass the additional costs of removing rock from a dig to your Home Buyers), it's still an uncomfortable conversation to have.

I'd love to hear of any other things you've heard of Home Builders finding as they started construction on a new home (or a new Development).

Hit REPLY and let me know. I really do read your replies!

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