Breaking the "Chain of Command" is a No-No!

Welcome to Home Building!

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

Have you ever had a situation where you made a decision concerning a home your company is building - only to have it overturned by someone who is higher up your corporate ladder?

If you haven't, kudos to you and your Company; however, I'm betting that you've seen something like this happen (or WILL see it happen in the future).

I've definitely seen it in my career. Several times, my decisions were overturned by a boss (who, in my case, was my father). It's a bit deflating and I never liked it.

As I thought more about it, though, I recognized that I was guilty of doing the same thing to my Superintendents at times, too. So, I should have taken some time to consider what my actions were doing to them.

Maybe wisdom does come with age, so I'm hoping you'll find some value in this week's article. See the link below.

Have a great week!


In This Issue

I get it. You have a lot of email, and you don't always have time to read them. So, here's a quick run down of what's in this Newsletter:

  • Terminology Tuesday: BUILT TO CODE
  • Learn how breaking the "chain of command" hurts your Team.
  • Watch one of the newer software tools engineers use to lay out new residential home developments.

Terminology Tuesday: BUILT TO CODE

This terminology means that the area of construction to which this phrase is being applied (which, in some cases, is the entire house) is built to the minimum standards required by Building Codes.

News You Can Use!

How Breaking the "Chain of Command" Can Affect Your Team

This week I'm explaining how there's a need to follow the hierarchy in your homebuilding business.

How Easy Is It To Lay Out a New Development?

I had an Engineer join me for my (now retired) podcast show me the software he uses to lay out developments. It's neat to see how things have changed.

Know a friend or colleague who might get some benefit out of this Newsletter? Hit that FORWARD button in your email program and share the knowledge!

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