A Look at the Moasure product

Happy Tuesday, Reader!

This week, I'm starting to jump in to try out and learn how to use a new product called Moasure.

Truth be told, the folks at Moasure reached out and asked me to do this - and - they sent me a unit to try out (and provide some video back to them to use for their marketing).

I got out yesterday afternoon for my first try - and - I can say that I have a lot to learn to use it efficiently. I'm going to post my initial thoughts on my blog in short order.

In the meantime, you should know that it's a digital tool that allows you to measure out different things - either using a stick (to walk a lot, map out an area, etc.) OR by holding it in your hand and measuring (walls, flat surfaces, etc.).

Yesterday, I took the Moasure (attached to the stick) to review an infill lot - and - try to mark out things like:

  • Existing curb cut
  • Rock outcroppings
  • Power Company Pole location (with Power Company Pole Number)
  • Existing block foundation from an old shed on the property

What do you think would make for some interesting scenarios to video or share pictures? Give me your best Use Cases and I'll see what I can come up with in the next two weeks.

Old School vs. Moasure

I pull out my trusty pencil and graph paper and use it to start marking up from my "Moasure"ments.

I'll be sharing a little bit on my LinkedIn Profile - and - in the free Welcome To Home Building Facebook Group. If we're not yet connected on LinkedIn, I'd love to connect. And - if you're on Facebook - I'd love to have you join that community, too.

Your Thoughts Requested!

Consolidation of Websites?

I've been running two websites that kind of mirror one another, and I'm afraid it might be a bit confusing - so - I'm considering combining my BradHaubert.com and WelcomeToHomeBuilding.com into one.

I'd love your thoughts. Click below to see how I might combine. Then, REPLY BACK to let me know if you think I should keep separate or combine.

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